Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Grab Your Camera and Have Fun

3D Model from Photos

As promised let us look at 123D Catch today. It is an APP to convert photos int o 3D models. The app is fun to play with and free to download. Available for your Apple or Android devices. PC version can be found as well.


Here is how it works.

Place the model on a piece of newspaper.
Why newspaper? The text on the newspaper acts as reference points for the app to calculate the position of each photo.

Shoot photos in loop at every 15 to 20 degrees roughly. As shown in the image below.
Take additional closer snaps of finer details on your model. 

Launch 123D-Catch and upload all photos to the cloud.
The App will process and stitch photos together and create 3D model. You can fix holes and clean unnecessary details from model in the app. Model can be downloaded and 3D printed. 


My findings after using the App

  • It does not work well if model is too glossy or reflective.
  • It won't work with clear/see through/glass object.
  • Moderate and uniform light in the room will help in getting the best results.
  • The app is good for art use but not for engineering use where higher accuracy is needed.

Listen from a student who took the App to a whole new level.

Video from "Ehsan Noursalehi" You Tube cahnnel

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